I Ain't Sayin...
I ain't saying @ProChoiceGal that you're a
Prochoice Slut
You Follow @Nancy_Keenan
Her Prochoice Abortion-Genocide AmeriKa
I ain't saying @ProChoiceGal that you're a
Prochoice Baby Killer
52 Million Abortions
These voiceless Citizens
Unnamed Souls known only to God
Cut n' butchered into body pieces
Human beating hearts slain
A physician holds the knife
Permitted by the Supreme Court
Defended by Congress
Perpetuated by Democrat Party Votes
Babies' bloody fingers, toes n' ears
Vacuumed from their mother's womb
Wrapped in plastic bags
Disposed of like so much dog shit
Into a trash dumpster
I ain't saying @ProChoiceGal that you're a
Prochoice Evildoer
You Advocate this
Abortion Holocaust
You Vote for Traitorous Politicos
You donate to
Planned Parenthood Death Clinics
You blog
a mother has every right to murder
her own child within her womb
I am saying @ProChoiceGal that you're a
Prochoice Whore of Lucifer
the blood of these slain fellow Citizens
stains your hands
for all eternity
Burn in HELL Bitch
You remain an unrepentant
with your heart of stone
Your eyes of death
Your submission to the will of
Abolish Prochoice AmeriKa
Inspired by @ProChoiceGal Twitter®
Copyright © ralph marie de largo
Sunday 26 June 2011
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